Ruins of Kells Priory, County Kilkenny, Ireland
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Learning to Walk in Ireland

Learning to Walk in Ireland

Brenna learned to walk just before we left for Ireland. She spent much of our vacation practicing her steps, learning to run away from Mommy and Daddy and getting used to hard soled shoes.

Learning to Walk in Ireland- Falling Down

It seemed like she spent as much time down as she did up.  I love this photo of her in the sweet pink pea coat, her nose almost the same color as the buttons, caught after trying to escape.

We loved the Irish countryside for its open spaces- so toddler friendly!  These images were taken when we visited Kells Priory in County Kilkenny.

To see more great travel memories visit Photo Friday hosted by Delicious Bab y.

Jody Halsted
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  1. We went to China right after my son learned to walk and had a similar experience. They are so cute as they learn to explore the world in a new way. I remember I have shots of him up and then slowly crumpling down. Up, down, up, down the whole time. Now if only he was that slow. Pics would be much easier to take.