How Hard is it to Drive in Ireland?

Recorded live from Faithlegg House Hotel in County Waterford.

I'm excited to tell you about this period property, as well as some things to do in the area, but first I have a terrific question from Don M.

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How Hard is Driving on the Left in Ireland?

How hard was it for you to learn to drive on the left?  How long did it take?  Should a long time driver from the US give it a try without it being too risky?

I was thinking about this when I picked up my rental car recently… How I can, pretty seamlessly, switch from driving in the US to driving in Ireland without much thought.

#1 tip: Don't drive when tired. Driving directly after arriving at the airport is the hardest. This is when I make the most mistakes. If you do have to pick up the car immediately I don't recommend driving very far on day 1. And NEVER drive in Dublin.

Driver at the centre, slow lane is left, pedals the same, manual transmission the same but you use the left hand

Here are my 30+ Ireland Driving Tips to help safely navigate the winding roads.

I believe that if you are a competent and safe driver you can drive in Ireland with few issues.

Faithlegg House Hotel in Waterford

Faithlegg House Hotel, Waterford, Ireland
Faithlegg House Hotel

Located at the head of Waterford Harbour where the 3 rivers meet to enter the Irish Sea.

House built in 1783 and became a hotel in 1998.

Garden at Faithlegg House, Waterford, Ireland
Garden view from my window

It's a popular spot for wedding receptions and special events.

Nicholas Power Room at Faithlegg House, Waterford, ireland
Nicholas Power Room

The hotel retains its period elegance; the rooms are classic and understated, and the service is among the best I've experienced anywhere.

breakfast tray, Faithlegg House, Waterford, Ireland
Breakfast tray – served before ordering

On site activities include a leisure centre, golf course, and spa.

Off site you are near to many of southeast Ireland's best attractions in Waterford and Wexford, including the Waterford Treasures Museums in the Viking Triangle, Mount Congreve Gardens, the Waterford Greenway, and the Copper Coast in Waterford, and the Irish National Heritage Park, Tinturn and Dunbrody Abbeys, Dunbrody Famine Ship, and Hook Head Lighthouse in Wexford.

Faithlegg House Hotel website

A huge thank you to Bespoke Excursions for arranging our custom self drive tour this week. (learn more about the Celtic Coast and Bespoke Excursions in podcast episode 156.)

Traveling in Ireland Podcast Episode 169

Jody Halsted
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