Buses Meet near Cliffs of Moher. Ireland travel tips | Ireland vacation |IrelandFamilyVacations.com

Why Renting GPS in Ireland is a Waste of Money

If you're planning a self-drive vacation it may seem like renting a GPS in Ireland is a no-brainer. The roads seem to twist and turn, with no direct route anywhere!

You can't imagine finding any place easily and may even be regretting your decision to rent a car in Ireland.

But before you get an Ireland car rental with GPS added let me tell you why it's a waste of money- and offer a more useful alternative.

You Don't Need to Rent a GPS in Ireland

Buses Meet near Cliffs of Moher. Ireland travel tips | Ireland vacation |IrelandFamilyVacations.com
This National Secondary road to the Cliffs of Moher is just wide enough for tour buses to squeeze past each other.

Driving in Ireland- A Bit About the Roads

In Ireland you'll find 5 main road designations.


Designated by a blue road sign with the letter M followed by a one or two digit number. These are direct city-to-city routes on large highways, comparable to interstates in the US. Some motorways will have tolls; the M50 is a digital toll, so be sure to speak to your rental company about how to handle that (some will add it to your bill, others do expect you to log on to the website and pay it), while the M 6 & 7 are cash tolls (so be sure to have a few euros in your pocket).

National Primary Roads

These roads are identified by a green sign with the letter N followed by a number between 1-33. These roads link larger towns together and while many are dual carriage (meaning 2 cars can pass side-by-side without incident) that definition can vary widely based on the size of the vehicle.

National Secondary Roads

Also designated by an N, but with numbers between 51-82, these roads link smaller towns to each other, or to larger towns. While this is still a National Road the carriageway will be narrower, likely only wide enough for a single car to pass in certain places.

Regional Roads

These link small towns and can be quite narrow and winding. Regional roads are identified by a white sign with the letter R followed by 3 numbers.

Local roads

Also identified by a white sign, with an L followed by a 4 digit number. These are rarely marked on a map and can vary widely in condition – from blacktop road to rocky and grassy path.

Unclassified Roads

These small roads may be marked with a letter A or completely unmarked. These roads may lead to beaches, piers, or private farms. Often this road finishes in a dead end of sorts- one way in and one way out.

Now that I have either completely confused or terrified you, let me tell you a little secret:

It is nearly impossible to become truly lost in Ireland.

Road signs are plentiful and there is always more than one way to reach your destination.

Navigating without GPS in Ireland

Navigating in Ireland is actually pretty easy.  I use my favorite map, the Collins Handy Road Map, to pinpoint my destination. I'll note any larger towns that may be turning points, or “if I've reached this I've missed a turn” spots, then set off in the general direction I need to go. Rarely will I consult the map during my drive as road signs are usually sufficient to guide me.

Collins Handy Road Map Ireland
Portable and laminated! The Collins Handy Road Map is my favorite map of Ireland.

If I do lose my way it is relatively easy to figure out where I am using nearby road signs and get back on track quickly.

Sure, it may not be the most direct route- but it's never boring! (And you never know what you may discover!)

Where You Might Need GPS in Ireland

If you plan to drive in Dublin (which I don't recommend. Ever.), Limerick, or Belfast, you may find that a map just won't help. There are just so many streets that change name every other block, and many street signs just aren't visible (or nonexistent).

But instead of renting a GPS unit that you have to figure out how to use- and which is only as good as its last update- rent a portable wifi unit instead.

Google maps works very well in Ireland (so does Waze), and with the portable wifi you will also be able to upload those drool-worthy photos you've been taking to your social accounts or send “Wish You Were Here” emails to friends and family back home!

girl on bench at Birr Castle Ireland
Can you imagine yourself here???

Learn More: Tips for Using Your Mobile Phone in Ireland

Before You Rent a Car: Everything You Need to Know About Car Rental in Ireland

Jody Halsted
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  1. Pingback: Driving in Ireland Tips for Tourists | Traveling in Ireland Podcast
  2. We did rent the portable WIFI unit from the company recommended on this site. We picked it up at Dublin Airport and popped it in the mailbox at Dublin Airport prior to leaving. I had concerns about it being there when we arrived b/c our flight came in early. Correspondence with the company via Facebook IM was fabulous. We charged the device nightly and carried it in my backpack daily. No problems what-so-ever. We used our IPhones for all GPS (we drove all around Ireland), work emails, and also to Facetime family in the US while staying with family in Ireland. I would highly recommend! Our security deposit for the device was promptly refunded upon our return.