Ireland vacation
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Ireland as You Imagined It

Jaunting Cart in Killarney National Park
Jaunting Cart in Killarney National Park

If you've watched any movie taking place in Ireland it can seem like a magical and romantic place.  And it is!  This shot, taken in Killarney National Park, is “the full Irish”.  A myriad of green, a thatched roof cottage, jaunting cart and friendly horse.  I'm even wearing a lovely tweed.  This was the first jaunting cart ride my family took.  As the girls chattered and giggled, we adults listened to our guide, Martin, as he shared the history of Killarney, the national park and Ross Castle.  It was the magic of Ireland- just as you imagine it will be.

One of the most touristed areas in Ireland, Killarney is filled with fun and history.

For more terrific travel photos visit Photo Friday hosted by Delicious Baby .

Jody Halsted
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  1. Killarney is amazing. We skipped the jaunting cart tour, and your photo makes me wish we hadn’t!

  2. Perfect! It has been years since I have been to Ireland and I can’t wait to experience it again with my kids – hopefully very soon!

  3. what a great photo – it makes me smile! i love killarney national park – it’s a must-see.