A forest fairy perched above her home. Ireland travel tips | Ireland vacation | IrelandFamilyVacations.com
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Finding Faerie Coins in Ireland – A Game to Play with Your Kids

It’s pretty much a given that a 18 month old and a 3 year old don’t care a bit about nature or history and even castles get dull after you’ve explored a few.

I found an easy way to keep the girls occupied when they were getting a bit bored.

YouTube video

Ireland is filled with faeries, you see. Magical little creatures who live in the gardens and woodlands. They are beautiful, but quite shy. So shy, in fact, that they will hide before you see them. But faeries also want humans to know that they exist. So before they hide they leave a shiny coin (Euros are great for this as the 1 cent piece is tiny).

The girls ask to play with their faerie money often and remember how much fun they had searching Ireland for signs of faeries.

Irish Faeries

Irish Faeries

Read More: Westmeath, the Fairy Capital of Ireland

Jody Halsted
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  8. What a wonderful video clip and what wonderful memories for the children! Very inspiring! Thank you for sharing,