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Always Ireland with Author Jack Kavanagh

What makes Ireland such a special place? Get an Insider's Tour of the Emerald Isle with Jack Kavanagh, author of Always Ireland.

Always Ireland by Jack Kavanagh

Journalist Jack Kavanagh is a Wicklow man, born and raised. This beautiful county, nicknamed ‘The Garden of Ireland' lies due south of Dublin and ranks with Kerry and Connemara as one of the country's beauty spots.

This article is based on a podcast episode featuring Jack Kavanagh, author of “Always Ireland”. If you prefer to listen to the podcast, you can find the player at the bottom of the page.


What Draws People to Ireland?

Jack believes that, for Americans, there are 3 things that make Ireland so appealing.

The Language

The fact that Ireland is an English-speaking country makes travel very easy. But each county if Ireland has it's own accent, and all are enhanced by the lyrical flow of words. Jack explains that while the words may be English the phrasing is all Irish.

The Roads

Since joining the EU Ireland's main motorways have improved significantly making cross-country travel quick and easy (once you get used to driving on the left).

But once you are off the motorways and onto the rural roads, things slow down significantly. You'll need to watch for all manner of animals and people, as well as the hedgerows that line the roads.

The People

The people you meet in Ireland are your greatest resource. Jack says that the people should be your destination as much as the scenery and history.

The Irish people are among the most welcoming in the world. They love a good chat and always have time to talk with people.

Jack advises that GPS is a bad thing, “Getting lost gives you a chance to stop and talk to somebody and you'll have a great conversation.”

Pubs and GAA matches offer a great opportunity to meet people and be part of the banter.

O'Sullivan's Cascade
Photo Credit Jeff Mauritzen

Best Advice for People Planning a Trip to Ireland?

Go with an open mind and be prepared to drop your itinerary when the opportunity arises.

Be prepared to talk, and listen, to people.

Irish people tell great stories, delivering them in a way that is built on centuries of sitting around the fire and entertaining yourself.

The Irish are also great listeners and want to hear about your life, where you're from, and your experiences.

Read More: How Not to Look Like a Tourist in Ireland

Always Ireland – An Insider's Tour of the Emerald Isle

Always Ireland is far more than a guide book.

I loved that every county had its time to shine. Tyrone & the Sperrin Mountains, Wexford, Sligo – all favorites of mine – were offered as equals to the well known counties of Clare, Kerry, and Wicklow.

Readers will also find information about Irish culture, driving tours, and so much exceptional advice for exploring Ireland.

Jack describes his book as “less a travel guide and more a ‘dreamers guide to Ireland'.”

It gives people a ‘whole picture' of Ireland, not just the ‘tourism brochure' picture and does a great job of bringing together Ireland's past with the present, and even future, of the country.

Photo Credit Jeff Mauritzen

3 Places to Add to Your Ireland Itinerary




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Traveling in Ireland Podcast Episode 145

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