county road in County Clare, Ireland

Driving in Ireland – Tips for Tourists

I'm sharing the driving in Ireland tips for tourists to safely navigate Irish roads!

I'll begin with a few quick facts (like driving on the left), give you a quick primer on Irish roads, and even share a couple of my favorite tools for navigating in Ireland without GPS.

driving in Ireland tips

Driving in Ireland Tips

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This episode of the Traveling in Ireland Podcast is presented by where you will find an unbeatable quote for your rental car in Ireland. Use code IFV in the promotions box to save and extra 10%!

Why drive in Ireland?

To get places like this:

Signal station at the end of Sheeps's Head Peninsula, County Cork. Ireland vacation tips.
Signal station at the end of Sheep's Head Peninsula. A 3km walk (as the crow flies) from An Cupan Tae at the end of the road, the hike up craggy hills and down into lush valleys easily adds to the distance.

First Step for Driving in Ireland

Rent a car. Everything You Need to Know About Car Rental in Ireland

A Few Quick Driving in Ireland Tips

You will drive on the left side of the road. This is ‘the wrong side' unless you live in one of the British Isles or a former British territory.)

Most rental vehicles are manual. If you can not drive a stick shift request an automatic transmission.

Speed is measured by kilometers in the Republic of Ireland and by miles in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland road sign. Driving in Ireland tips.
Just when you think you have driving in Ireland figured out… You enter Northern Ireland.

Ireland Driving Tips for Navigation

Ireland has 5 road designations. Motorways, National Primary Roads, National Secondary Roads, Regional Roads and Local Roads. Learn more about Irish road designations.

You don't need to rent a Sat Nav or GPS in Ireland. 

The Collins Handy Map is my favorite road map of Ireland.

Stay connected and use the navigation software on your mobile phone with a portable wifi unit from WiFi Candy.

Use These 6 Driving in Ireland Tips to Navigate the Roads Safely

county road in County Clare, Ireland
I love this road in County Clare. We have encountered tractors and even mini buses on this road.
  1. Don't drive faster than you are comfortable.
  2. If you encounter a vehicle and the road is too narrow for both to pass safely the smaller vehicle backs up to a wider spot in the road.
  3. If you notice a line of vehicles behind you pull to the side (at a wide spot or driveway) and let them pass. (See tip #1)
  4. Use your turn signals in the roundabout. Remember that outer lanes in large roundabouts are for exiting. More on what lane to use in a roundabout.
  5. Watch for stopped cars in small towns- especially near pubs or during market days and events.
  6. Always be on the look out for cyclists, walkers, and sheep!
sheep near Healy Pass, County Cork, Ireland
Just one of the sheep we encountered as we drove from County Cork to County Kerry along the Healy Pass on the Beara Peninsula.

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Traveling in Ireland Podcast Episode 59

Jody Halsted
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