
Steph Chastain on Couple vs. Family Travel in Ireland | Traveling in Ireland Podcast Episode 44

Steph Chastain on Couple vs. Family Travel | Traveling in Ireland Podcast Episode 44


Jody is talking with fellow travel blogger, Steph Chastain from InfiniteIreland.com about the differences between traveling as a couple and traveling as family with kids.

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Show Notes: (Click on times below to Expand)

About Steph Chastain:

Steph Chastain has been traveling to Ireland since her honeymoon in 2006. Like many other people, they fell in love with Ireland and visit it frequently ever since. Her site, InfiniteIreland.com, is geared towards people who have either never traveled to Ireland before or have never traveled out of the country before. She recently had her first child and is here to talk about the differences between couples’ travel vs. family travel in Ireland.

What are the differences between Couples’ Travel & Family:

  • Mobility: How much you could do in a day and keep a baby’s schedule.
  • Lodging: Child-friendly places. (Depending on the age of child, you may want to shy away from B&Bs. However, most places are very child-friendly so this is not much of an issue.
  • The amount you have to pack is increased. Tip: don't want to pack car seat, stroller, etc? Gear rental in Dublin: The Stork Exchange

Tips: Pack These Items

  • Car Seat
  • Formula (if you have a specific brand you prefer)
  • wearable baby carrier (strollers are only good in city)
  • backseat mirror, to keep an eye on your kid easier.

Should You Travel with a Young Child?:

After her experience with traveling with a baby, Steph feels that it is definitely worth taking trips with babies despite the fact that they may not remember it. Any travel experience is a good one. Starting kids young to have them culturally diverse later in life.
Worried about the flight? Check out these Tips for Overseas Flights with babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers.

Recommended Places to Visit with Young Children:

Closing remarks:

Check out Steph’s site InfiniteIreland.com for great advice, tips and resources.

As always, questions about this podcast or Ireland travel in general? Email Jody at jody@irelandfamilyvacations.com or leave a comment below.

Jody Halsted
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