Mary Pat Kelly | Traveling in Ireland Podcast Episode 14

Mary Pat Kelly

Join Jody as she chats with author Mary Pat Kelly about her passion for Ireland, her inspiration for the novels Galway Bay and Of Irish Blood, and find out Mary Pat's 3 favorite places in Ireland.

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Show Notes: (Click on times below to Expand)

How MPK finds her Passion for Irish Culture:

In 1969, MPK traveled to London where she and her friend had an unfortunate experience with the owner of their lodging (you won't believe it when you hear the story!). From that moment on, MPK decided to learn more about her heritage and wanted to explore what it really means to be Irish.

She went on to get her PhD in Irish Studies; did a documentary on Irish Nobel Peace Prize Winner John Hume; and wrote her dissertation called the Sovereign Woman: Her Image in the Literature in Ireland.

Why did you decide to write these books:

“After studying the Irish culture, I felt that there was a network to belong to. There were so many wonderful stories. So I decided to write a story that was based on the experiences of my ancestors and actual historical events.” Since these were her people, she was able to feel more connected.

A little about MPK's third book:

This book will be about Nora's grandson, who becomes the mayor of Chicago. He also becomes a real power in the nation. It's an exciting book taking place during Prohibition and the Jazz age.

The unwavering optimism of the Irish:

The ablity to always look on the bright side, is a strong trait among the Irish. Even though you can find historical markers of tragedy, there is this strong life-force and determination to not only survive but thrive.

Facebook Fan Question:

Kara asks MPK, “What do you hope people will take away from your books?”

MPK: The idea that you can endure and triumph over tragedy. Also, the strenghth in Irish women, both in history and mythology.

3 places that MPK says you should not miss in Ireland:

Closing remarks:

Connect with Mary Pat Kelly on her Facebook page– she's sharing a lot of fun photos that are inspiring her 3rd book in the Galway Bay series!
Note: Affiliate links are used to lead you to these terrific books. For more information please see my disclosure policy.
Purchase MPK's books on Amazon:
Of Irish Blood
Galway Bay

Purchase MPK's books on Barnes & Noble:
Of Irish Blood
Galway Bay

Questions: Contact Jody at


Jody Halsted
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